We value high-quality materials – for maximum safety and hygiene

On April 11, 1996, a major fire broke out at Düsseldorf Airport, killing 17 people and injuring 88. Damage amounting to approximately one billion euros was incurred. As it later turned out, the fire was partly due to the fact that fireproof building materials had not been used thirty years earlier, probably for cost reasons. The accident shows how important it is to use high-quality materials – even on a small scale, of course.

We at Regoplast GmbH have always attached great importance to the sustainable and excellent quality of our materials. For example, plastics containing halogens ensure that a lot of smoke develops and toxic gases are released in the event of a fire. This is not the case with halogen-free plastics – such as those we use for our cable markers.

The cable markers are successfully used, for example, in the field of special mechanical engineering, in solar and photovoltaic systems or in medical systems. An important area of application is dairies, where our stainless steel cable markers are used due to hygienic requirements. Two series are available for the cable markers: In the 1980 series, the markers are slid on a polypropylene perforated tape or a stainless steel tape. In the 0081 series, the individual markers are plugged into each other and fastened to their place of use with the help of cable ties. Click here for the products.

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Unfallfreie Festtage

und alles Gute für 2025

Wir sind vom 20. Dezember bis einschließlich 3. Januar 2025 in Betriebsferien.
Ihr Team von Regoplast wünscht ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
und für 2025 alles Gute.

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