
by Regoplast®

Precisely tailored to your company

In addition to an extensive standard program, Regoplast® GmbH offers you further individual solutions. In addition to a wide variety of solutions in the area of operational labeling and hazardous goods labeling, this also includes our registration boards, which we adapt precisely to your requirements using our components.

You choose the number of compartments and rows, color coordination and eventual imprint or engraving of logo or lettering, slogan or notice texts. The elements on the panels made of 2 and 3 millimeters thick Aludibond or PVC are firmly glued to the panel and can withstand the daily routine in an industrial hall and, due to the clean and high quality workmanship, can also look good in reception areas, hallways and offices.

See at a glance who is present and who is not – this creates clarity and thus saves time and organizational effort. Our registration boards consist of a carrier plate made of 2 or 3 mm thick PVC or Alu-Dibond material with firmly glued aluminum rails. Several plastic signs can be inserted into each of these rails. You decide how many compartments and rows there should be. In addition, various color designs and imprints such as lettering, slogans or information texts are possible. Thanks to the durable materials and high-quality workmanship, our registration boards combine an elegant, simple look with maximum stability. In this way, they are suitable for all areas of a business, from a reception hall to an open-plan office to a sprawling industrial hall.

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Unfallfreie Festtage

und alles Gute für 2025

Wir sind vom 20. Dezember bis einschließlich 3. Januar 2025 in Betriebsferien.
Ihr Team von Regoplast wünscht ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
und für 2025 alles Gute.

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