Pipeline marking

for industry and plant engineering

Rohrleitungen für Rrohrleitungskennzeichnung

Signs with your desired text

Pipeline labeling with more than 40 years of experience in manufacturing

Regoplast® has more than 40 years of experience in the manufacture of weather-resistant signage systems. These are used in many areas of industrial and plant labeling.

On request, we can create signs according to your specifications and from various materials (PVC, Resopal® and underprint plates). Possible finishes: engraved, reverse printed and printed by digital or screen printing. Basically, we offer, in combination with different fastening materials, metal or plastic as a carrier material. Here, too, our sign holders or profile rails from the “Sign holders & plug-in signs” range are used as support elements.

Regoplast® medium markings for supply lines in printed or engraved versions are largely UV-stabilized, scratch-resistant and resistant to acids, alkalis and other chemicals. As a result, they have a longer service life than conventional signs. Colors according to DIN 2403/2404.

Medium identification for supply lines on pipe bridges etc.

Size in mm (LxH)Base colour / font colourPackaging unit
Font height in mmItem no.
185 x 83.5yellow / blackpieceAbluft (Exhaust air)53 241200
445 x 83.5yellow / blackpieceACETYLEN (ACETYLENE)53 241201
280 x 83.5yellow / blackpieceARGON53 241202
170 x 83.5yellow / blackpieceBAR53 241203
300 x 83.5yellow / blackpieceErdgas (Natural gas)53 241204
335 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceERDGAS (NATURAL GAS)53 241205
475 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceFORMIERGAS (FORMING GAS)53 241206
280 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceHELIUM53 241207
525 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceKOHLENDIOXID (CARBON DIOXIDE)53 241208
300 x 83.5 yellow / blackpiecePROPAN53 241209
460 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceSTICKSTOFF (NITROGEN)53 241210
585 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceWASSERSTOFF (HYDROGEN)53 241211
340 x 83.5 yellow / blackpieceWasserstoff (Hydrogen)53 241212
105 x 83.5 red / whitepiecebar53 241220
185 x 83.5 red / whitepieceDampf (Steam)53 241221
265 x 83.5 grey / blackpieceArb.-Luft (Work air)53 241230
105 x 83.5 grey / blackpiecebar53 241231
330 x 83.5 grey / blackpieceBetriebsluft (Operating air)53 241232
290 x 83.5 grey / blackpieceInstr.-Luft (Instr. air)53 241233
435 x 83.5 grey / blackpiecePRESSLUFT (COMPRESSED AIR)53 241234
475 x 83.5 grey / blackpieceSYNTH.-LUFT (SYNTH. AIR)53 241235
265 x 83.5 grey / blackpieceRegelluft (control air)53 241236
280 x 83.5grey / blackpieceFörderluft (conveying air)53241237
635 x 83.5 white / blackpieceLEERE FLASCHEN (EMPTY BOTTLES)53 241240
475 x 83.5 blue / whitepieceSAUERSTOFF (OXYGEN)53 241250
290 x 83.5 purple / white pieceAmmoniak (Ammonia)53 241260
Regoplast lettering boards suitable for sign holder yard goods 86.5 mm height. Order No. 110032
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und alles Gute für 2025

Wir sind vom 20. Dezember bis einschließlich 3. Januar 2025 in Betriebsferien.
Ihr Team von Regoplast wünscht ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
und für 2025 alles Gute.

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