Your individual templates -

Pressed for long durability

Ticked offpermanent resistance to almost all chemicals.

Ticked offExtensive UV stability due to the use of a high-quality PMMA film.


In addition to an extensive standard program, the Regoplast® GmbH offers further individual solutions. In this process, artwork in the form of drawings, printed films or posters is incorporated into PVC and pressed with transparent PMMA film (matt or high gloss).

Where many people work and complicated machines have to be operated, instruction sheets, operating instructions or explanatory drawings are often useful. However, these must withstand the influences at their place of use, both in everyday life and in exceptional situations. These influences include, for example, high solar radiation, rain, dust or a wide variety of chemicals.

To prevent posters and drawings from fading or smudging, we use the process of paper pressing: Your artwork serves as the starting material, which we incorporate into resistant rigid PVC and press with a transparent PMMA film.  Depending on which look you prefer, you can choose either a matte or a glossy film. We are happy to implement the supplied template in a smaller or larger version. The final product can be produced up to a size of 1,300 mm x 790 mm.

Paper pressing at choice: transparent-matt or transparent-high gloss

DescriptionMaterialSize in mmThickness in mmItem no.
Paper compressionPVCup to DIN A5210 x 1481.5411650
""up to DIN A4297 x 2101.5411651
""up to DIN A3420 x 2971.5411652
""up to DIN A2594 x 4201.5411653
""up to DIN A1841 x 5941.5411654
""up to size1,300 x 7901.5411655
""up to DIN A5210 x 1482.0411660
""up to DIN A4297 x 2102.0411661
""up to DIN A3420 x 2972.0411662
""up to DIN A2594 x 4202.0411663
""up to size1,300 x 7902.0411665
""up to DIN A5210 x 1482.5411670
""up to DIN A4297 x 2102.5411671
""up to DIN A3420 x 2972.5411672
""up to DIN A2594 x 4202.5411673
""up to size1,300 x 7902.5411675
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Unfallfreie Festtage

und alles Gute für 2025

Wir sind vom 20. Dezember bis einschließlich 3. Januar 2025 in Betriebsferien.
Ihr Team von Regoplast wünscht ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
und für 2025 alles Gute.

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