On January 29, 2019, the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) announced the amendments for the TRGS (Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances), which had already been adopted on November 14, 2018. On the homepage of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), the justification papers for the published resolutions of the Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) and all amendments to the TRGS can be read.
The changes concern:
TRGS 900 “Occupational exposure limits
TRGS 903 “Biological limit values
TRGS 910 “Risk-related concept of measures for activities with carcinogenic hazardous substances”.
Newly recast:
TRGS 554 “Exhaust gases from diesel engines
TRGS 751 “Avoidance of fire, explosion and pressure hazards at filling stations and gas filling installations for filling land vehicles”.
What are the TRGS?
The Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) reflect the state of the art, occupational medicine and industrial hygiene as well as other secured scientific findings for activities involving hazardous substances, including their classification and labeling. They are drawn up by the Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) and adapted by it in line with developments.
The TRGS are published by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) in the Federal Labor Gazette. (Quoted from BAuA TRGS 001, edition: December 2006)